Happy New Year! Mind over Matter.

 Hey Peeps!  

Glad to see all of you made to the other side :-)  As we begin another year, armed with Lists, Goals and Resolutions I plan to work it from the inside out.  Not physically force myself to get things done, but get them done in my mind and get settled with a positive outcome in my mind before I lay had to anything.  Coming out Head First.   In this way I hope to have more fruit and more ease.  Last year I had lots of fruit and lots of being tired.  Lemme tell ya, being tired is no fun.  I got sick the Thursday before Christmas and stayed sick thru till about yesterday.  Of course that did not stop me from celebrating.  Nothing can stop my celebrating, lets be clear....but I do know that there a better way to do things....a higher way.

I am basically in finish up mode these days.  Long mix sessions on what I recorded last year.  And I have some other projects in the works that are not music related so I am busy as I know you all are as well.  I wish each of you the very BEST in everything you put your hand to.  May it be Blessed!!

Love and Light,